Monday, June 10, 2013

How To Get Started With The E Cigarettes

When nicotine-dependents are ready or are preparing to quit tobacco smoking, they usually resort to purchasing electronic cigarette starter kits. An electronic cigarette or e-cig is basically a battery-operated device which imitates how a person would use a regular tobacco cigarette. When someone would like to try out e-cigs, retailers usually sell and recommend the starter kits. These kits contain every component of an electronic cigarette that first time vapers would need to get themselves familiarized with the device. 

Electronic cigarette starter kits come with batteries, USB chargers, several cartridges of the e-cig unit itself, a container pack that sometimes also serves as the charging case, and, in some kits, samples of the brand’s e-juice flavors. These packages are usually granted with warranties. Since everything that could make an e-cig work are all enclosed in either a pouch bag or a rectangular pack that resembles that of a real tobacco cigarette, starter kits provide first time users the portability and ease in storage.

Most of the time, electronic cigarette starter kits include electronic cigarette types that are made to look like real tobacco cigarettes with the intention of giving the first time user the feel that she or he is still using a tobacco cigarette. Kits are simple and are designed to simply help people be acquainted with the basic parts, use and feel of an electronic cigarette. As much as possible, the electronic cigarettes are designed to be the same in shape, size, color, and styles with the tobacco cigarette.

But now there are so many designs of cigarettes that tobacco cigarettes do not have. There are customized designs which feature bold and very stylistic designs for fashionable smokers. There are new flavors added aside from the original flavors. These new flavors include chocolate, apple, cherry, cola, and many other fruits. These new flavors are meant to lift electronic cigarettes higher in terms of fashion and convenience. For instance, people working in the office can still smoke without leaving bad tobacco odor in the suits, mouth, and fingers.  
Starter kits are recommended by vapor enthusiasts to e-cig newbies up until they are set to use an e-cigarette with higher features. The priciest brands of kits online and in stores can go as high as $100.00 or above depending on the package’s features and the brand.
There are now many brands of electronic cigarette starter kits. The likes of V2 cigs, Green Smoke, or Apollo ecigs are in demand in the market. But what is important is that you will get the perfect electronic cigarette for you when it comes to flavor, functionality, and strength. 

Electronic cigarette starter kits are recommended by avid vapers and people in the e-cigarette business to aid tobacco smokers in their gradual shift or eventual quitting of smoking. Familiarization to the aspects and benefits of the electronic cigarette is the first step to the adjustment. But electronic cigarettes are not difficult to use. As long as the parts are firmly attached, then they are ready to be used. These starter kits provide just enough knowledge that tobacco smokers may need so they may be able to control their nicotine and smoking dependence.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Smoking Can Cause Brain Damage

With the destruction of memory, learning and reasoning ability, tobacco smoke are actually causing the brain to die, according to the team at the Royal University of London

Learning in the study of 8,800 people over 50 about their health and lifestyle, and performing tests brain like learning new words, new name, or remember the number of animals in a minute ... These tests were repeated after 4 years, and 8 years.

Results showed that overall risk of stroke "comes quite clear with cognitive impairment," in which those who have the highest risk as well as those with the most obvious manifestation of cognitive decline.

At the same time, there are also "close relationship" between smoking and poor scores in the tests.

The study also showed that high blood pressure and being overweight seems to also affect the brain, but to a lesser extent than tobacco.

"We need to make people more interested in changing the way of life, because of the risk of cognitive impairment," said Dr. Alex Dregan, team members said.

Dr Simon Ridley, from the Center for Alzheimer's Research UK, said: "This study reiterated the link between smoking and high blood pressure to risk of cognitive decline and dementia, and additional evidence for that. "

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Lung Cancer Disease And Treatment

Lung cancer is a most dangerous type of cancer that cause deaths for people all around the world. In 1995, there are over 600,000 documented deaths all around the globe and increasing each year. In 2003, according to WHO, 1,100,000 people died from this disease while the number of people who get diagnosed with lung cancer is 1,200,000 that year.

The rate of having lung cancer also increased in women as well. The ages that are more susceptible to lung cancer is around 40 years old, and that risk increases when people hit 60-70 years of age. The rate of man to woman to get lung cancer is 2.3 to 1.

Lung cancer diagnosis

Make sure you get yourself checked soon so the treatment can be quite easy and successful. The early signs of lung cancer could be mistaken for different lung diseases so it is better to know from the early stage. When you get diagnosed late, it's difficult to treat and the chances of successful are slim.

You should get Xray for your lungs to see if there is any problem. If you have any problem breathing or feel clogged inside the respiratory system, you should get checked.

Signs of lung cancer

1. Coughing is one of the most common signals of lung cancer. It might me a light or serious coughing problem which happens during the night. Estimated 2/3 of the patients have this problem when diagnosed with lung cancer.

2. Coughing blood is another common signs of lung cancer in male, especially the smokers. This sign is almost clear when you see it more than often. Some patients experience pain and infection in the lungs' area.

3. Chest pain. About 30% of lung cancer patients experience continuous pain in the chest area. If the tumor is located near the lung, the pain will become more crucial when breathing or coughing. If the tumor cancer penetrate the layers around the lung, the pain will be excruciating and prolonged.

4. Stuffy chest, hard to breath is also a signal to let you aware about this disease. This is just the beginning stage of cancer though. It's still better to get yourself checked.

Lung cancer treatment

Lung cancer treatments are available in most clinics and hospitals. However, the long term treatment is not such a bright picture, especially if you are in your final stages. Some medicine for lung cancer have lots of negative effects and can't completely destroy the cancer cells or tumors. These types of medicines also affect your normal healthy cells as well.

If your are early to find out about lung cancer, some treatments can be done to stop the tumor growing effectively. There are many cases in which people can get rid of this nasty disease. If you wait too long, it might be too late. Time can definitely save lives.

Quit smoking is also a priority to help prevent this killer disease. It has claimed so many lives and caused broken families. Fight the cancer and quit smoking today. An experiment was done by a friend of my testing the danger of smoking to human lung showing something pretty disturbing that I make me think twice before lighting up a cigarette.

Find enough reasons that are important enough for you to get rid of the habit. Your lungs will thank you for that. Try other methods of quitting such as gums or pads as well as the e-cigarette if you have to. It will save you and your family.